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Providing you with the products you need to keep your lab and labware free of contaminates!

Item # Description
1201 Liquidnox Liquid Detergent 1 gal 4x1gal/cs
1104 Alconox Powdered Precision Cleaner 4lb box 9bx/cs
1801 Citranox Liquid Acid Cleaner & Detergent 1 gal 4x1gal/cs
1304 Terg-a-zyme Powdered Detergent 4lb box 9bx/cs
1232 Liquidnox Liquid Detergent 1 quart 12x1quart/cs
1404 Alcojet Low Foaming Powdered Detergent 4lb box 9bx/cs


1104-Alconox Powdered precision cleaner


Alconox - Powdered Precision Cleaner: Concentrated, anionic detergent or manual and ultra-sonic cleaning. Free rinsing to give you reliable results without interfering residues. Ideal for cleaning contaminants from glassware, metals, plastics, ceramic, porcelain, rubber and fiberglass. Excellent replacement for corrosive acids and hazardous solvents. USDA authorized. Dilute 1:100. pH 9.5


1801-Citranox liquid acid cleaner and Detergent


Citranox - Liquid Acid Cleaner and Detergent: Phosphate free, concentrated cleaner and metal brightener for high performance removal of metal oxides, scale, salts and inorganic residues in manual and ultrasonic cleaning. Corrosion inhibited and free rinsing for reliable results and no interfering residues. Ideal for trace metal analysis. USDA authorized. Dilute 2:100. pH 2.5

1232 Luiquinox Critical Cleaning Liquid Detergent

Liquinox - Critical Cleaning Liquid Detergent: Concentrated, anionic detergent for manual and ultrasonic cleaning. Free rinsing to give you reliable results without interfering residues. Extremely mild and completely soluble in hard and soft water. USDA authorized. Dilute 1:100. pH 8.5


1304 Tergazyme Enzyme Active Powered Detergent


Tergazyme - Enzyme Active Powered Detergent: Concentrated, anionic detergent with protease enzyme for manual and ultrasonic cleaning. Excellent for removal of proteinaceous soils,tissue, blood and body fluids from glassware, metals, plastic, ceramic, porcelain, rubber and fiberglass with no interfering residues. Ideal as a cleaning agent in Reverse Osmosis and Ultra-Filtration Systems. USDA authorized. Dilute: 1:100. pH 9.5

1404 Alcojet Low Foaming Powdered Detergent


Alcojet - Low Foaming Powdered Detergent: Nonionic, low foaming cleaner for use in labware washers, parts washers, power-spray systems, manual and ultrasonic cleaning. Corrosion inhibited formula recommended for glassware, metals, plastic, ceramic, porcelain, rubber and fiberglass. Free rinsing for reliable results and no interfering residues. USDA authorized. Dilute 1:200. pH 12

Fox Scientific, Inc.

8221 East FM 917
Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: (800) 369-5524 * Fax: (817) 783-3571